In the last decade, the movement for Black lives has ignited a nationwide conversation, bringing millions of Americans together to address the injustice.
Join the movement to #freeamerica

There are 2 million people in the nation’s prisons and jails—a 500% increase over the last 40 years.
There are 400,000 people who have not been convicted of a crime sitting in jail on any given day, many because they lack the financial means to post bail.
Over 80% of metropolitan areas are more segregated today than they were in 1990.
Together, let’s
We've spent the last decade building thriving, just, and equitable communities by helping people overcome systemic hurdles and creating opportunities for them to unlock their greatest potential.
We take a comprehensive approach to a freeamerica.
Ending Mass Incarceration
We are working to end mass incarceration by using the power of storytelling, education, and advocacy to uplift the voices of those impacted by the criminal justice system.
Strengthening Communities
We strengthen communities by supporting projects and policies that provide opportunity, resources, and equity.
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